As a second-time bar examiner, this course guided me to a passing score by focusing my attention on the details that bar exam graders focus on. Professor Harris’ methodology on how to approach the exam is what helped me the most. The bar exam is a broad and difficult examination; taking the wrong approach when studying will make achieving a passing score on the exam nearly impossible. Professor Harris’s approach makes the massive amount of information manageable. I have first-hand experience with taking the wrong approach to studying. The first time I sat for the exam I felt overwhelmed by the questions and confused by the nuances. The materials provided in this course organize the information in a way that is clear and concise and directly applicable to the exam. Personally, I was terrified (and skeptical) of the memorization portion of the course. I have always struggled to memorize anything throughout undergrad and law school. However, to my surprise, I genuinely absorbed a majority of the acronyms from the memory portion of the course. I still find myself reciting them months after the exam is over as some of them we’re quite outrageous and memorable.
Although this course created an incredibly strong foundation to walk into the exam with, I still was worried about passing the exam. Regardless of how much studying is done, I do not believe it is possible to eliminate those concerns. It is difficult to find peace of mind while waiting for scores. However, the proof of this course (for me) seems to be clear. Although I was skeptical of my abilities, specifically the ability to memorize, I was able to get through the course, and ultimately pass the bar exam. I do not believe it would have been possible without the materials provided to me, and Professor Harris’s guidance. Thank you! — William Bernstein, Esq., passed the February 2023 Nevada Bar Examination