Problem: I don’t know what to do about Scrolling Hell on essays!
My Strategy: I invented a simple, effective plan to solve that most severe, challenging problem. And it’s covered during our Essay Writing Lecture so you can see how it all comes together.
Problem: I’m terrible at outlining.
My Strategy: The first step is identifying your Outlining Personality.
Some people outline for far too long. Some are too busy creating Picassos instead of outlining (been there, done that!). Others do the opposite and outline for three minutes before they panic and just write the answer (hello, minimalists!). And then there’s the 1 percenters. They don’t suck at outlining…they just don’t do it!
I’ve taught Legal Writing at Hastings for 21 years and used my experience to develop an Exam Outlining Webinar that will help you learn to outline better.
For those of you who outline way too long, I’ve got a plan. For you minimalists out there, I’ve got a plan. And for the 1%-ers who don’t outline, I’ve got a plan for you too!
The people who outline way too much are easy to help. I start by weaning them off of full sentences. Then, I help them organize the outline better by focusing on one element per line, one line per element, and practicing the method over 70-80 essays.
For the pure minimalist, it’s about reassuring them that it’s OK (necessary, in fact!) to outline for more than three minutes. You simply can’t keep all that information in your head! I get them to practice taking their time, doing away with full sentences, and organizing their answer.
My coping mechanism works because I help you outline better on the front end, but I ALSO help you write more efficiently on the back end and ensure that you finish the exam on time.
Problem: I can’t finish essays on time.
My Strategy: My outlining solution makes this a snap. Part of the issue is to help students outline more efficiently (longer outlines in less time) so they have enough time to write up the answer.
But, as noted above, the solution is also about helping students get in and out of issues more efficiently so they can finish the exam on time. And, due to the COVID exam schedule, you gotta finish the exam on time! (You only have 60 minutes to finish the essay before it’s yanked away from you.)
Between the day-by-day calendar, my outlining webinar, lectures, a memorization program, and my book Winnin’ Time!, you can finish on time, too!
Problem: I had a bad professor, and I hate evidence! I can’t figure out how to handle those essays!
My Strategy: My Evidence Boilerplate in WINNIN’ TIME! is undefeated in 18 years of testing at the law school and bar exam level. I install the plan early on in the tutoring program and do quality control to ensure you learn it.
By the time you reach exam day, you’ll realize that you are praying for an Evidence question because you’re so prepared!