Built For Life Outside
of Just Bar Prep.
I provide Gold, Platinum, and Diamond plans for your California Bar Exam Tutoring. The Diamond program includes:
What You Get

The 4-Month Program includes everything from the 3-Month Program, but also includes 7-1/2 additional hours of lecture to provide detailed attack plans for each subject.  The lectures are organized around the different ways in which each subject is tested.  Within each essay type, discussion focuses on issue-spotting problems, difficulties in understanding the rules, and presentation, as well as focus on traditional questions and depth questions.  The 4-Month Program is designed for students who have not taken a bar exam in several years; students from a foreign country; students from another jurisdiction who have little or no background in California-specific subjects such as Wills, Trusts, Professional Responsibility, Civil Procedure, and Evidence; or who scored profoundly low on a prior exam (i.e., under 1250).

Another benefit of the 4-Month Plan is for experienced attorneys who work in high-powered private law firms who provide heavy demands on the applicant’s time.  With the 4-Month Plan, we can provide the flattest schedule possible and maximize the potential for a life outside of bar prep and firm life.

Day-to-Day Calendar
A day-to-day calendar with Essay, MBE, and Performance Test assignments, customized to your unique schedule, taking into account your actual life, whatever that may entail.
Steven's 5 Books
Although WINNIN’ TIME! and The Trigger List are sold separately, all five of Steven’s books (including MBE Primers and Flowcharts and the Calweasel Essay Books (2 volumes)) are included in the Calweasel tutoring programs.
Introductory Lectures
Steven's introductory lectures include a focus on Essay Writing and PT Exam Writing, a comprehensive launch to your California Bar Exam tutoring program.
1-on-1 Focus
PT Exercise
Essay Review


Grading of 15 essays, 10 PTs, and a simulated exam (3 essays and a PT), with a guarantee of minimum 200-300 words of feedback per exam, and frequently up to 1500-2000 words per exam; oral review of unlimited essays during weekly meetings.

Calweasel’s grading system includes examples of how Steven outlines each question and examples of how Steven would write the all-important application for each question that is graded.

Weekly Meetings

Weekly one-on-one meetings, one hour per session, focusing on your specific needs, including assigned essays for you to outline instead of turning in, adhering to the day-to-day calendar created at the outset of your tutoring program.

This customized approach to learning is unique in the California Bar Exam Tutoring marketplace, since Steven invented the program specifically for the students, not a cookie-cutter package that works for everyone.

PT Follow-Up Lecture

A PT follow-up lecture on how to read the Library most efficiently during the inventory of the Library stage. This will cut down your reading time by 1/3 and is the only such lecture in the Bar Review industry.

Plus, more follow-up lectures walking you through my notes on the first 90 minutes of the PT assignments to help you learn how to inventory the Library and File correctly, but also learning how to directly “put it all together,” the lectures for which are unheard of in the Bar Review industry.

60-Minute PT Exercise

Learning how to do a 60-minute “strip down a PT” exercise to help students improve issue-spotting in PTs will be easy with Steven’s Calweasel program, the only such exercise in the California Bar Review industry.

By focusing on all phases of the test, not just MBE, Essay, or PT, the Calweasel Bar Tutoring program prepares you for everything the bar exam could possibly throw your way.

Essay Review Week

Thank the Maker for Essay Review Week, an unofficial Calweasel California Bar Exam Tutoring program holiday! Leaving no stone unturned, Steven will set you up to crush the essay section of the exam.

Through the Essay Review Lecture and the week of planned review of 98 hand-picked essays, the essays will be fresh, nothing will be stale, and you’ll master the strategy behind the essays, firing on all cylinders on test day.

11-day Memorization Program

When developing the Calweasel Bar Exam Tutoring program, Steven considered far more than issue spotting and presentation on essays and taking MBE questions. He also thought about how to finish off exam prep in the best way possible.

This program will teach you memorization techniques and coping strategies that will prepare you for the California Bar Exam like no other program available through lecture and memory practice. Steven focuses on memorization techniques as well as the psychology and philosophy behind the memorization. Steven helps the student to consider the two people who matter most to her during the memorization. Steven provides invaluable and unique guidance about how to complete the exam prep process when students need help the most.

We Know That Your Time is Valuable

Ready To Pass?

Recent Testimonials

Devika Sagar, Esq.

I cannot endorse Steven Harris enough! He helped me pass the California Bar Exam on my first attempt. His style of teaching was very effective for my learning style and I appreciated his outlines. I have gone through many outlines and rule books but I have to say that Steven’s study materials were very well organized and made the most sense. The material was also organized in a way to help me easily memorize the rules prior to the exam. I remember opening up the first page of the essay portion of the exam and internally screaming “Yes! I got this!” There were moments during the tutoring process where I felt unsure and not confident that I had the ability to pass, but Steven reassured me and helped guide me on my weak points. Overall I’d say that the one-on-one guidance and attention during bar prep is unmatched and is extremely beneficial to passing the California Bar Exam on the first try!

Gabrielle Sue

Hi Professor. Not sure if you remember me, but I took your Critical Studies I class at UC Hastings in Fall 2021. I didn’t mention it at the time, but I was actually set to take the February 2022 exam, not the July exam like most folks in the class. Well, I just wanted to say THANK YOU because I got the results a few weeks ago and I passed. I know I don’t get the score breakdown, so it’s entirely possible that my MBE score had carried me, but I can’t help but think that taking your writing class allowed me to succeed. It definitely helped me jump into studying right away because I didn’t have to spend time learning what bar graders look for, or how to approach the PT. The Evidence Boilerplate came in handy on February’s test for sure, and I basically did all my PR rule memorization from your book. The boilerplate definitely helped for efficiency, but I also remembered the advice about time management–I was strict with my timing even on that essay, especially since the PT was in the same session. I’m so glad I decided to take your class!

Want Next-Level Tutoring Now?

If you are ready for a whole new approach to California Bar Exam Tutoring, customized to your life, Steven is waiting to speak with you. First-time? Repeater? Difficulty Learning? Scheduling Conflicts? No problem. Let’s pass this test!