As you might imagine, nothing is guaranteed and denials are common. So what can you do to increase your chances of an accommodation?
Because physical disabilities are easier to prove, they are more likely to be accommodated. Other disabilities may be more difficult (but not impossible!) to verify.
You are much more likely to be granted a California bar exam accommodation if you have a history of receiving other accommodations throughout your education. If you haven’t already, go to your school’s Disability Resource Program and ask to be tested (the earlier, the better). The more semesters you can show receiving accommodations, the more likely you will receive accommodations for the Bar Exam.
If you haven’t received any accommodations thus far, seek out any and all doctors, specialists, aides, and other professionals who have treated or managed your condition in the past. Their records will be invaluable at proving your case to the California bar.
You can apply for California bar exam accommodations as early as you wish…so do it as soon as possible.
Reviewing a petition for accommodations typically takes a minimum of 60 days. If the committee needs additional information, it may take even longer. Filing early gives you plenty of time to comply with any requests and appeal a denial (if necessary).