Published On:   November 19, 2023

I highly recommend Steven’s CA bar exam review course. I had to take two years off between law school and actually taking the bar exam due to personal circumstances. Needless to say, I was worried about taking the bar after being out of school for so long. Nonetheless, Steven talked me through my concerns and assured me that it was doable. Steven’s approach was significantly different from other programs that I had previewed. Steven has compiled all different types of essays for each subject so that you will be exposed to all of the different ways that they will test the subjects on the essays. I found Steven’s essay review exercises EXTREMELY helpful as it taught me how to drill down and spot exactly what the graders are looking for. And while Steven will warn you that he is in fact not Ms. Cleo, his predictions for the bar exam that I took were 100% spot on. That’s because Steven knows this test inside out. No one studies the bar exam the way he does and he breaks down his program into sections that make the exam easier to digest. All of the different exercises in his program work together to help you build up your understanding of all of the components of the bar.

For anyone who looks at Steven’s books and/or outlines and thinks, “This is not enough, where are those fat bar prep books I always see?” trust me when I say that Steven has boiled it down to what you actually need to know to pass. There are so many subjects that you need to know for the CA bar exam, and you can’t learn every single thing about every single subject. Steven has studied the Bar and knows what subtopics from each subject you should focus on. Not only does this help you focus on the truly important topics for each subject, it also helps ease the anxiety of “I have to know all of this?” Passing the CA bar is no easy feat, but if I can do it after taking a 2 year hiatus, you can too. And Steven’s program will help make that a reality. – Katherine B., Esq., passed the July 2023 California Bar Examination


Want Next-Level Tutoring Now?

If you are ready for a whole new approach to California Bar Exam Tutoring, customized to your life, Steven is waiting to speak with you. First-time? Repeater? Difficulty Learning? Scheduling Conflicts? No problem. Let’s pass this test!