Published On:   July 4, 2020

I am a five-time retaker and I believed I would never pass the California Bar. I came across WINNIN’ TIME! and Steven Harris after researching how to pass the performance exam. At this point I had nothing to lose so I hired Steven and decided to totally trust him. We talked weekly and after our 3rd session he identified 1 of my issues on my exams so I had to submit my outlines.  Bingo, the issue was in my outlining. Issue 1 fixed. Now to the performance exams.

After writing 3 exams and following Steven’s method, a light bulb went off and I understood. Then I followed his MBE Primers and Flowcharts book for MBEs and his method. 3 weeks away from the bar I had technical issues with my computer … again Steven gave me some options. Then the Bar releases the subjects 3 days before the test and immediately Steven gave me a solution for that.  I made a pact with my daughter that we don’t ever give up on anything!

A week before the Bar I found out my request to take the bar closer to home was denied. I was determined to pass so I arrived at the July 2019 Bar Exam focused, confident and ready. I finally passed the Bar and my life has forever changed. Lastly, when I was doing Bar prep, I did not cheat! What I mean is when Steven told me to write an essay I did not look at the model answer.  Be true to yourself and never give up!

Thanks Steven Harris.  – Jerome A. Clay, Jr., Esq., passed the July 2019 California Bar Examination

[NOTE:  Jerome subsequently notified me that he petitioned the NCBE for a score advisory, and he learned that he scored between 145-149 on the MBE.  This represents a roughly 100-125 scaled point improvement!

FURTHER NOTE: Jerome and I had two meetings while he was in Cabo!]

WINNIN’ TIME! in Cabo!

Want Next-Level Tutoring Now?

If you are ready for a whole new approach to California Bar Exam Tutoring, customized to your life, Steven is waiting to speak with you. First-time? Repeater? Difficulty Learning? Scheduling Conflicts? No problem. Let’s pass this test!