I passed the July 2014 California Bar Examination with Steven’s perspicacious one-on-one tutelage and relentless encouragement. When I hired Steven as my tutor I was 100 points away from passing the Bar Examination. Steven’s three-month long, one-on-one tutoring program was unquestionably intrinsic to my success on the exam.
Steven is a wonderful professor who has clearly mastered all of the components and intricacies of the bar exam — creating a virtual science of essay question issue-spotting (The Trigger List) and writing techniques (WINNIN’ TIME!), performance test distillation (PT PROGRAM), and MBE strategies (MBE Primers and Flowcharts). I can easily say that each of these were vital to my bar exam preparation and passing score.
Lastly, I would add that having Steven in your corner every week giving you personalized encouragement and guidance, in addition to incisive feedback, is an invaluable part of his tutoring program, which you will not realize that you need until you are in the midst of your studies and hit the inevitable mental or curricular roadblock.
My most heartfelt thanks to Steven, and my sincerest recommendation for his services. — Anna M., Esq., passed the July 2014 California Bar Examination