Published On:   January 14, 2021


I am happy to tell you that I have FINALLY passed the February 2014 Bar Exam on my 12th attempt! It has been a very long six year journey for me and I am so glad that I found out about your PT Review Course! In this class, not only did I learn what I was doing wrong but I learned valuable tips to help me generate crucial points that I know allowed me to pass this exam. The format of your class allowed me to focus on the test even though I was working full time and had a family! Had I known about this class, I would have taken it directly after law school! You gave me the motivation that I needed despite my many failed attempts at this exam! I also credit my success with my bar essays to your WINNIN’ TIME! and The Trigger List books. I can’t believe how I had wasted time in the past taking this exam without the aid of these two books. I am going to tell everyone I know taking the Bar about you and your course because I could not have passed this exam without it! Now I can move forward with my life. Thank you!! –Tanya Brown, Esq., passed February 2014 California Bar Examination

Want Next-Level Tutoring Now?

If you are ready for a whole new approach to California Bar Exam Tutoring, customized to your life, Steven is waiting to speak with you. First-time? Repeater? Difficulty Learning? Scheduling Conflicts? No problem. Let’s pass this test!