Hello Steve,
I am happy to announce that I passed the February 2017 bar exam!
I credit some of my success to your services. I took the February 2017 bar exam as a repeater after having failed the July exam by a mere 8 points (3 points after the first read). The performance test was my downfall. Your winter performance test class gave me the tools I needed to approach the performance test. You provided a solid plan of attack which allowed me to read all the “relevant” materials, find my 5-7 issues, and finish in time. I won’t know my scores on the performance tests, but after each PT I felt very confident in my answer.
Your WINNIN’ TIME! book was invaluable! I used it to memorize the most frequently tested areas and write the rules in a short and precise manner. The Essay Review Week was also such a great tool. It was most useful to review past essays which revealed that the material can only be tested in so many ways. Also, a review of the answers showed that there is more than one way to answer any given question. Most of all, it revealed that answers do not have to be perfect, just good enough.
Finally, your Evidence Boilerplate prepared me for the evidence question on the February exam. I had my evidence approach and format, and it was simply a matter of filling in the blanks. This saved me so much time and ensured that I could maximize points.
Thank you again. I truly believe I could not have done it without your help. I have, and will continue to, recommend your program to future bar exam takers. Best, Debbie Najar Perez – passed the February 2017 California Bar Examination