Mean MBE score for February 2021 exam higher than February 2020
National Mean of 134.0 for February 2021 MBE
The national Multistate Bar Examination (MBE) mean scaled score for February 2021 was 134.0, an increase of about 1.4 points from the February 2020 mean of 132.6. 16,759 examinees took the MBE in February 2021; of those, 1,665 took the MBE in the 18 jurisdictions that administered the exam in person, and 15,094 took the MBE in the 33 jurisdictions that administered the exam remotely. February 2021 had about 12% fewer examinees compared to the 19,122 who sat in February 2020.[1]
Reliability for the February 2021 exam was 0.93, slightly higher than the reliability for February 2020. (Reliability is an indicator of the consistency of a set of examination scores, with a maximum value of 1.0.)