Category: Bar Exam Tips

Cal Bar, Kaplan sign 5-year exam development contract: first affected exam to be Feb. 2025

Cal Bar’s press release appears below.  Main takeaways:

  1. The press release says the first exam that Kaplan will help draft is the next one, February 2025.  We’ll see if NCBE sues for copyright infringement about Kaplan’s questions and if that results in a delay in the use of Kaplan’s questions to a future exam.
  2. The press release vaguely indicates a transition time for remote and test-center based exam administration (think Prometric sites a la the MPRE).  When does that begin?  The press release is unclear.
  3. If the Cal Bar will go remote and/or test-center based exam administration, what impact does that have for hard-copy materials and scratch paper for exams?  Will students be able to print fact patterns for essays and Library/File for the PT (which they could NOT do during the COVID exams on remote testing)?  At a minimum, will students be able to use scratch paper for essays (which they could NOT do during the COVID exams) or for PTs (which they COULD do during the COVID exams)?  We shall see.

We shall see what we shall see.  Look for more updates this fall!


State Bar, Kaplan, Sign Five-Year California Bar Exam Development Contract


The State Bar of California and Kaplan Exam Services, LLC (Kaplan), a subsidiary of Kaplan North America, LLC, signed an $8.25 million, five-year exam development agreement on August 9, authorizing Kaplan to create multiple-choice, essays, and performance test questions for the California Bar Exam. As part of the agreement, Kaplan will also provide faculty and student study guides, which the State Bar will distribute at no cost. Kaplan will also exit the retail bar prep business specific to California, while continuing to serve other bar exam jurisdictions.

The multiple-choice questions will replace the National Conference of Bar Examiners’ (NCBE) Multistate Bar Examination (MBE) in time for the February and July 2025 exams (SPH emphasis added). 

The agreement will help the State Bar transition to remote and test center-based exam administration, both of which test takers prefer. These test administration changes will also help the State Bar close a significant gap in its Admissions Fund, which is projected to reach insolvency in 2026, absent further efforts to reduce costs. The State Bar projects that the new arrangement will result in annual cost savings of up to $3.8 million in exam-related expenses—enough to significantly reduce if not fill the gap.

At its July 18, 2024, meeting, the State Bar Board of Trustees voted to authorize the Board Chair and Executive Director to negotiate the terms of and, if appropriate, execute, an agreement with Kaplan.

“This historic agreement allows us to provide applicants with exam options that they prefer and also helps us close a significant deficit in the State Bar Admissions Fund,” said Board Chair Brandon Stallings. “I want to thank the Board of Trustees for its leadership and State Bar staff and our partners at Kaplan for their significant efforts in ushering in this agreement, which represents a generational change for applicants and the State Bar.”

“Kaplan is honored to be selected by the State Bar of California to help further its mission of producing qualified and practice-ready lawyers,” said Steven Marietti, Chief Commercial Officer, Kaplan North America. “We look forward to supporting the State Bar of California in the creation of this new exam.”

The State Bar initially sought approval from the Board in the spring but deferred until July due to contractual concerns including safeguards against intellectual property and copyright infringement. The parties have worked diligently to build a legally sound deal structure and method for independent question development, including Kaplan creating a new unit in the company to develop material and oversee the effort.

In a bold act of collaboration, the contract includes a cost-sharing provision whereby the State Bar and Kaplan will share potential copyright infringement litigation costs. The State Bar’s cost is capped at $6.75 million over the life of the contract, which amounts to the lower end of net projected cost savings over the five-year term. The parties also agreed to a mutual indemnification provision with a $1.65 million cap.

Even in the unlikely event that the State Bar would have to share in the cost of litigation, the caps ensure that the new arrangement would still be cheaper, or cost neutral, compared to the projected status quo exam administration costs that were leading Admissions to insolvency.

The questions developed pursuant to this agreement will not substantially modify the training or preparation required for passage of the exam. For years, the State Bar has utilized the NCBE’s multiple-choice question set, the MBE. However, the NCBE does not allow remote or test center-based exam administration, and NCBE will be phasing out the MBE as a stand-alone product in 2028.

For unsuccessful applicants on February 2024: Save/print exam files by May 31

From the unsuccessful applicants memo:


The essay and PT answers of those applicants who are unsuccessful on the California Bar Exam are
accessible through your Applicant Portal. You may save or print a copy for your records. The files will
be removed from the Applicant Portal on May 31, 2024.

Young joyful woman with dark curly hair in T-shirt happily openi

California Bar Exam July 2022 Results

Per the Cal Bar:


52.4% passed overall, just under July 2021’s 53% pass rate.

MBE score nationally was about the same as July 2021.


Today the State Bar announced that 3,753 (52.4 percent of applicants) passed the July 2022 California General Bar Exam. If those who passed satisfy all other requirements for admission, they will be eligible to be licensed by the State Bar to practice law in California.

“For thousands of applicants of the General Bar Exam and Attorneys’ Exam, today is a milestone to be celebrated,” said Leah Wilson, State Bar Executive Director. “It is an acknowledgment of the dedication and hard work it took to get here and a major step toward the start of their legal careers in California. We congratulate each of them on this stellar achievement.”

The July 2022 pass rate on the General Bar Exam was slightly lower than the July 2021 pass rate of 53 percent.

Performance on the July 2022 bar exam varied nationally, with some states seeing a higher pass rate, and others experiencing a decline. Here are a few highlights:


  • Washington, D. C. (72 percent compared to 73 percent in 2021)
  • Pennsylvania (68 percent compared to 69 percent in 2021)
  • New York (66 percent compared to 63 percent in 2021)
  • Florida (51 percent compared to 44 percent in 2021)

The National Conference of Bar Examiners announced that the national average score on the July 2022 Multistate Bar Examination of 140.3 represented a fraction of a point reduction from the July 2021 score (140.4). This suggests that the July 2022 result should track closely to 2021’s pass rates and, in California’s case, it does.

Attendance at California’s July 2022 General Bar Exam was lower (7,164) than during the remotely administered July 2021 exam (7,536) and the October 2020 remotely administered exam (8,723) and lower compared to average attendance for in person exams in prior years, when 8,000 typically took the exam.

July 2022 General Bar Exam preliminary statistics*

  • Completed the General Bar Exam: 7,164 applicants
  • First-time applicants: 5,576 (77.8 percent of total)
  • Pass rate for first-time applicants: 62 percent overall
  • Repeat applicants: 1,588 (22.2 percent of total)
  • Pass rate for repeat applicants: 17 percent overall

Pass rate for the General Bar Exam (rounded to whole numbers) by law school type:

School Type First-Timers Repeaters
California ABA 73% 26%
Out-of-State ABA 69% 23%
California Accredited (not ABA) 30% 12%
Unaccredited: Fixed-Facility 11% 5%
Unaccredited: Correspondence 25% 8%
Unaccredited Distance-Learning 12% 9%
All Applicants 62% 17%

General information about the structure and content of the General Bar Exam.

The Attorneys’ Exam may be taken by those who have been admitted to the practice of law in another U.S. jurisdiction and have been an active licensee in good standing for at least the four years immediately preceding the exam, as well as disciplined lawyers who are ordered to take the examination as a condition of reinstatement. Of the 379 attorneys who completed the Attorneys’ Exam, 186 (49.1 percent) passed.

A pass list from the exam will be published on the State Bar website on November 13, 2022, at 6:00 a.m. More detailed statistics about exam results will be available in four to six weeks on the State Bar website.

Successful applicants who satisfy all requirements for admission may take the Attorney’s Oath individually or participate in admissions ceremonies held by their law school or others.  Applicants are eligible to practice law in California after taking the Attorney’s Oath and submitting their oath card to the State Bar. The State Bar continues to encourage digital signing and electronic processing of oath cards.

The State Bar became aware on November 9 that a few exam takers reported being able to access certain fields of data in the Applicant Portal indicative of their own results prior to receiving their official notification from the State Bar. The State Bar takes these types of reports seriously and has commenced an investigation that will explore these reports, including among other things, whether any IT security, ethical, or legal violations occurred.

*Please note that these are preliminary statistics. Law schools will be required to confirm the students allocated to their law school and, as a result, these statistics may change.

African American Woman Studying Online

RESULTS DAY! Rumors, results, and strategies if you don’t pass tonight

Hello everyone!

Results Day is today.  Hope all of you July 2022 Cal Bar test-takers receive good news tonight!

There are rumors of a reddit hack of the Cal Bar’s website and you can do a workaround and find your results now.  I have no idea if it’s true.  Historically, there are two ways you can trust to learn about your results:  1) check on the Bar’s website at 6 pm on Results Day, or 2) review your results letter, which should be posted tonight or tomorrow in your Applicant Portal.

Personally I wouldn’t trust anything other than those two sources.  In fact, when I passed, I refused to check on the Bar’s website because I heard of a few people who failed on the internet and passed in the mail.  So I couldn’t trust anything so I waited about 22 hours until the mail arrived!  That was not easy, but that’s what I did!

If you receive good news tonight, CONGRATULATIONS!  Celebrate responsibly, and no felonies!  Remember, the goal is to get sworn in, right?  Felonies don’t help with that, even if you commit one after you pass the Bar Exam.

If your name does not match a name on the database of names of people who passed, mourn your result for 30 minutes, and then contact me.  Good tutoring programs fill up quickly.  I usually fill up within a few days of publication of results and last season I filled up in four hours!  The first ability is availability.  Let’s talk, set up a plan, and then you can know that you’re not alone and that you’re doing something about it.

Good luck tonight, everyone!


Laptop Bulletin for the February 2023 Cal Bar Exam

Here is the Laptop Bulletin for the February 2023 exam:


Laptops for the February Bar Exam

The February 2023 Bar Exam will be administered in person and can be taken on a laptop. Desktop computers are not allowed. It’s important to read and follow the State Bar’s instructions.

Laptops must meet the specifications outlined below. Applicants requiring special equipment due to medical reasons must request a testing accommodation.

Before the exam

Here are the steps to prepare your laptop before the exam:

  1. Make sure your laptop meets the minimum requirements for ExamSoft.
  2. Once you are issued an admittance ticket, install Examplify software and register with ExamSoft.
  3. Download and take the one mandatory/required mock exam. The exam will be available beginning January 24, 2023. 
  4. Upload the mock exam answer file by February 17, 2023. Once you do this, the exam files will download automatically. Failure to upload the mock exam answer file will mean you will not have the exam files for the bar exam.

Laptop system requirements

The maximum size allowed for a laptop computer screen is 17.3 inches. The specific system requirements can be found on ExamSoft’s website.

Note: Desktop computers are not allowed for security reasons. Exam software provider ExamSoft currently does not support tablets with detachable keyboards, such as iPads, or newly released laptops with Intel 12 generation processors. For optimal computer performance, the State Bar recommends using a laptop that exceeds the minimum requirements for memory and hard drive space.

Internet connectivity

Immediately following the exam, you will need Internet access to upload your answer files.

Install Examplify software

To ensure the security of the exam process, applicants are required to use Examplify software to take the February 2023 Bar Exam. The application provides a simple word processing program and is designed to be familiar to users of Microsoft Word or WordPerfect. It blocks access to non-Examplify files on an applicant’s laptop computer during the exam.

Starting on January 24, after you have received your admittance ticket and registration information from ExamSoft, you can register with ExamSoft and download and install Examplify onto the laptop computer you will be using for the exam.

Installing ExamSoft

  1. If you have previously used SofTest or Examplify, you must completely uninstall any prior version used before downloading and installing the version of Examplify used for the February 2023 bar exam.
  2. Go to the ExamSoft website.
  3. Locate the Exam Takers box in the upper left-hand portion of the page.
  4. Log in using your NCBE Number which, if you cannot remember it, can be looked up here.  The password will be randomly generated and emailed to you.
  5. Download Examplify.
  6. Install Examplify and register your copy, after which one mock exam will become available for download. (See mock exam instructions below.)
  7. Check ExamSoft confirmation emails to ensure the institution displayed is “State Bar of California.”

Do not copy the ExamSoft program from one laptop computer to another. For example, do not download the software to a desktop computer and try to manually move it to your laptop. If you move the software and exam files to another computer, an error message displays when you attempt to begin the exam. If such an error message appears, you will be unable to use your laptop to take the exam and you will be required to handwrite your answers. You may NOT download and install Examplify to more than one laptop computer.

TIP: If you have an email spam blocker, please add, and to your contact or safe list so that you can receive critical emails from ExamSoft before, during, and after the exam.

Take the mock exam

The mock exam process is required. Taking the one mandatory/required mock exam confirms that your laptop computer is compatible with Examplify and provides you the opportunity to familiarize yourself with procedures for opening, using, and uploading answer files prior to the day of the exam. By typing a paragraph in each window, it also allows you to ensure that there are no typing/keyboard issues with your laptop.

See the instructional videos and guides on taking the mock exams.

After you have downloaded and completed the mandatory mock exam and uploaded the related exam answer files, the files for the actual exam will download automatically. Exam files will not contain exam questions; those are handed out in paper booklets on exam day.

Five additional copies of the mock exam are available if needed to help familiarize you with the Examplify application. Internet connectivity is required for downloading additional copies of the exam file and uploading exam answer files. NO internet connectivity is required while taking the mock exams. Download additional copies of the mock exam at Examplify’s website.

Complete laptop registration

You will receive email confirmations after you have downloaded the mock exam, after you upload your mock exam answer file, and after the system has automatically downloaded your exam files. This completes the laptop registration process.

Until you receive these email confirmations, you are NOT registered.

Once you have completed the laptop registration process, do not make changes to the configuration of your laptop.

If you do not receive the confirmation emails, you have not successfully completed the registration process for the February 2023 Bar Exam. You may check your registration status and view your download/upload history online. Log in using the Exam Takers box, click the Exam History button to review your record, and confirm that you have downloaded the exam and mock exam files and have uploaded the mock exam answer files. You should have two exam files for the essay questions and Performance Test sessions of the February 2023 Bar Exam.

No extra time will be provided to ensure that your laptop is ready for use before the exam session begins. A second laptop to serve as backup is not permitted.

You must complete the registration process no later than February 17, 2023. It is recommended, however, that you complete the process as soon as possible after you receive your admittance ticket so that ExamSoft will have the opportunity to assist you in resolving any problems you may encounter prior to the exam. If your laptop or Examplify is not operational when the exam begins or at any time thereafter, you will have to handwrite your exam answers.

Laptop computer problems after registration
If after completing the registration process with ExamSoft you experience problems with your laptop that would prohibit you from using it for the exam, (i.e., it becomes inoperable), you may ask to have another laptop registered and to download additional exam files through the “Re-Download Examplify” link after you log in with your NCBE Number and passwordRead more about the re-download process from ExamSoft. Authorization will not be granted for the purpose of having a backup laptop.

Review ExamSoft’s Bar Applicant FAQ or visit the ExamSoft Support Page if you have questions on the use of the software or if you encounter technical problems during the laptop registration process, as most problems can be easily resolved through ExamSoft’s published support guides and troubleshooting tips. Should you continue to have technical problems, however, please call ExamSoft Client Support at 1-888-816-3065. Technical support is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Neither the Office of Admissions nor the Committee of Bar Examiners is available to answer technical, installation, or registration questions.

Exam day information

You must read the instructions that will accompany your Admittance Ticket advising you of the items allowed in the room in which you are taking the exam. All items not listed are prohibited unless you have received written authorization in advance.

It is expected that you will demonstrate integrity, honor, and ethical behavior during this exam, and all exams administered by the State Bar of California. If you do not take the time to familiarize yourself with your laptop or with the exam software’s word processing functions, you should consider handwriting your exam answers.

You must pay careful attention to and follow all instructions provided prior to the exam. Use great care when highlighting and deleting during the exam and when using other functions that may significantly change a document. No extra time or other administrative relief will be granted if an exam file is deleted or otherwise altered, or if you experience any other word processing problems.

You must bring your own power cord to the test center each day of the exam. Your power cord can be plugged into the electrical outlets provided at the test centers. Although an electrical outlet will be available to you, be sure to have a fully charged battery in case there is an electrical problem. You will not be allowed to tape power cords into the electrical outlet, nor will you be allowed to plug any item aside from your computer into the electrical outlet. CDs, DVDs, USBs and other information storage media are prohibited in the examination room. If such items are found in the exam room or in an applicant’s laptop computer, they will be confiscated and will not be returned. Possession of unauthorized items may also subject the applicant to a sanction for violation of exam rules.

On the day of the exam, you must be seated at the test center no later than 8:20 a.m., at which time instructions for getting your laptop computer ready to use will begin. You should plan to arrive at the test center at least 15 minutes prior to that time so that you can find your seat and get comfortable. General instructions regarding the administration of the exam will commence promptly at 8:30 a.m. Exam questions will be distributed in hard copy just before the beginning of each session.

If your laptop computer is not ready to begin at the designated time, for whatever reason, you must begin the exam by handwriting. NO extra time will be provided to ensure that a laptop computer is ready for use before the exam session begins. Technical assistance will not be available.

In the event of a software or hardware malfunction or other problem, or if a power failure or interruption occurs, before or during administration of the exam, you will be required to handwrite your answers to the exam.

You are not permitted to bring additional laptop computers, typewriters, word processors, or other devices into the standard laptop test centers to use as backups.

Uploading answer files
The exam file contains your answers to the five essay questions and the performance test question. Upload the exam files as soon as possible after the exam and no later than the deadline: February 23, 2023, at 12:00 p.m.

Verify the successful upload of your answer files by launching Examplify to see that you have uploaded all your answer files. Read more from ExamSoft.

Do NOT delete or uninstall Examplify or any Examplify Program Directory Files or Folders until results for the exam have been released.

As a courtesy, emails will be sent indicating if your answer files have not uploaded, however, it is your responsibility to ensure that your files are uploaded by the deadline. If there is a problem with the uploading of your answers, you  may be required to contact ExamSoft for assistance in retrieving the file remotely or to physically provide your laptop to ExamSoft or to the Office of Admissions so that efforts can be made to retrieve the encrypted backup copy of the exam answer(s) from your laptop’s hard drive.

Rented laptop computers
If you rented a laptop to use during the exam, you should not return it to the rental company until results for the February 2023 Bar Exam have been released.

Any attempt to disable or tamper with Examplify’s security features is prohibited. If it is discovered that tampering has been attempted, this information will be reported to the Committee of Bar Examiners for whatever action it may deem appropriate, which could include disqualification for admission to practice law in California.


students take the test

Good luck on the July Bar Exam!

Hello everyone!

Whether you’re taking the Cal Bar or the UBE, I wanted to wish everyone good issue spotting, solid outlining, and analytical (and not conclusory!) analysis.  You can do it!


Arrive early.  Masks optional, but if you bring one, no writing on it.  Stay on time during the test.  Bring your admission ticket without writing on it.  NEVER USE YOUR CELL PHONE IN THE EXAM ROOM!  Good luck to everyone!



Test answer sheet with pencil. Examination test. Education conce

Friday before the Bar Exam! Mock exam deadline is TODAY! Masks optional

Hello y’all!

Friday before the Bar Exam, and today is all about the mock exam.  Today is the last day to get your mock exam done.  The first ability is availability!  They won’t let you in the room without it.  Triple-check that you’re in good shape.  Today’s the day!  The link to the mock exam is:  Remember the password is mock123.


Mask update:  The Cal Bar’s July 22 update indicates that you can bring a mask if you want.  It’s optional.  Final answer.  If you bring one, make sure it doesn’t have a valve.  I would recommend an N95 or KN95 (if you’re going to wear one, make sure you wear a good one).  And make sure there’s no writing on it.


One important update from the Cal Bar:

ExamSoft recently shared that new Windows laptops containing Intel 12th generation chipsets are not supported and may not be used to take the July 2022 bar exam.

Doublecheck your laptop!

Here’s the information from ExamSoft:

New Windows devices containing the Intel 12th generation chipset are triggering Examplify’s automatic virtual machine check. These are NOT currently supported. Therefore, they cannot be used for the upcoming July 2022 bar exam.


Please confirm that your device does not contain this chipset by following these instructions:


Confirm your Processor/CPU model

  • Navigate to Control Panel > System and Security > System to open it.


  • Right-click on the Windows start menu icon on the bottom left-hand side of your screen. Click on ‘System’ in the menu that pops up.

Your computer’s Processor/CPU model is located to the right of ‘Processor’ under ‘Device Specifications’. Find a number that is displayed after the ‘Intel® Core™ i7-’. If you see a number 12, this device is not supported for the upcoming bar exam. For example, Intel® Core™ i7-12650HX Processor is the 12th generation processor because the number 12 is listed after i7. Here’s a full list of processors that are NOT supported: 12th Generation Intel® Core™ i7 Processors Product Specifications.

If your current device uses an Intel 12th generation processor, you must use a different device.


Your new device must meet all other minimum system requirements listed here: On the new device, follow all the steps from the email with the subject line: ‘IMPORTANT: Installation & Registration Instructions’. If you need assistance, contact ExamSoft support at 866-816-3065.

IMPORTANT: Take and upload a mandatory mock exam.


This is a mandatory step prior to exam day!Here’s how. The mock exam password is ‘mock123’.


Almost there, y’all!  Hang in there!  You can do this!


Impact of the Dobbs abortion decision on the July bar exam

Hello friends.

Please note the following message from the NCBE regarding the July 2022 UBE exam, and regarding the MBE on the July 2022 Cal Bar Exam:


NCBE Statement on SCOTUS Decisions

Examinees taking the NCBE-developed July 2022 MBE, MPT, and MEE will not be required to be familiar with this term’s US Supreme Court decisions.


If you’re taking the Cal Bar, please know that the Cal Bar approved the questions for this exam in late April, even prior to the leak of the draft decision in Dobbs.  You could see an abortion issue in a Cal Bar Con Law essay.  Unlikely, but possible.  If you see this come up, mention that it was a fundamental right before June 24, and subject to rational basis review afterwards.  Maybe you get a bonus point as a result.



Female hand writing, close up

July 2022 Bar Exam Admittance Bulletin Available



Of note:  in person exam.


Only the following items are allowed in the exam areas without prior approval. All items are subject to inspection at the test centers: 1. Government-issued ID 2. The admittance ticket with no writing on it 3. Silent analog watches 4. Prescription medications (does not include cough drops) 5. Cash (must not have extraneous writing on it) 6. Credit/debit cards that might be needed for the lunch breaks 7. Keys 8. Face masks without valves (with no patterns or extraneous writing on them) 9. Protective gloves (latex or rubber only) 10. Nondigital pens (standard blue or black ink), nonmechanical pencils (with eraser incorporated; no separate erasers), pen-style highlighters (must not be used on answers), rulers and paper clips 11. Nondigital timers and nondigital clocks measuring 4”x 4” or smaller. 12. Eyeglasses (no cases or sunglasses) 13. Foam earplugs (cannot be wireless and must not be connected to any mechanism or device) 14. Menstrual products 15. Inhalers 16. Diabetes-related items and equipment (does not include food or drinks) 17. Eyedrops in single-use vials 18. One back support (without a cover) 19. One orthopedic cushion (without a cover) 20. One standard-size pillow (without a case) 21. One bookstand 22. One footrest 23. Splints, braces, casts, crutches, wheelchair 24. Hearing aids 25. TENS units 26. Disability-related items that have been approved through the testing accommodations petition process 27. Separate keyboard, mouse (wired or wireless), laptop riser/stand no higher than 4 inches and a solid color mouse pad with no writing on it. During the MBE sessions, the items listed above are allowed in the exam room, except pens, highlighters, back supports, orthopedic cushions, pillows, bookstands or footrests, and laptops or laptop accessories. If you need any of these items due to a disability, you must request them through the timely filing of a Testing Accommodations Petition. 3 Applicants who will be handwriting their exam answers, or who are required to handwrite in the event of a laptop/software malfunction, must bring their own standard blue or black ink ballpoint pens. Applicants must also bring their own pencils for the MBE portion of the exam (several sharpened pencils are recommended). Mechanical pencils are not permitted. Pencil sharpeners and separate erasers will not be allowed into the exam room. Please note that applicants cannot bring wallets, tissues, lip balm, cough drops/throat lozenges, gum, candy, or other food or drinks in the exam room. Water and tissues will be available nearby at the test centers.

paper with pen

July 2022 FAQ update – IMPORTANT

Hello everyone,


This morning, the FAQ document for the July 2022 exam was removed and in its place shows the following.  It is the Clear Health Pass App and mask mandatory information… copied/pasted from the February 2022 exam.  Yup, including the dates (as in, January/February 2022 – see below).


This APPEARS to indicate that you will need to download the Clear Health Pass app and that masks are mandatory for July 2022.  But let’s wait until the dates are updated to see how official this is.




July 2022 Bar Exam FAQs

Under the direction of the California Supreme Court, the February 22–23, 2022, Bar Exam will be administered in person.


The State Bar recognizes that this is a difficult time for test takers and is doing everything it can—following state and national public health guidelines and taking additional precautions—to provide a safe and secure testing environment.  

Below are measures being taken at all testing locations to prevent the spread of the coronavirus.


  • Regardless of test center size, all applicants most provide proof of full vaccination or a negative test at check-in via the CLEAR Health Pass app. Applicants who fail to do so will be denied entry to the exam and will not receive a refund of fees.
  • Full vaccination refers to a complete regimen (two dose or single dose, depending on the vaccine) of a vaccine authorized by the CDC. Vaccination must be completed by February 8, two weeks before the first day of the exam.
  • A negative test may be a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test taken within 48 hours of the start time for the first day of the exam or a negative antigen test taken within 24 hours of the exam’s first day start time. All tests must be performed at a test provider or laboratory. At-home tests are not accepted.
  • Those who test positive for COVID-19 or show symptoms when they arrive will not be seated for the exam. They will withdraw and need to provide documentation to receive a refund.
  • If someone exhibits symptoms at the exam, State Bar staff may direct them to terminate their exam and leave the testing site.
  • Everyone at the testing site must follow safety protocols such as physical distancing in common areas and wearing a KN95/N95 mask or double masking.
  • All test-takers must read and sign a COVID-19 Code of Conduct form by February 17. The Office of Admissions emailed the forms on February 4. For security, everyone received a unique link to their form. Applicants who do not sign the form by February 17 will not be able to sit for the exam.

Health Pass by CLEAR

Use this link from your mobile device to download the CLEAR Health Pass app.

Applicants providing proof of vaccination should download the app and complete the one-time enrollment process by January 25. Make sure to enroll using the email address associated with your State Bar application.

The day before the exam, you will need to open the app and link again to the bar exam code–EFATTENDEE200.

Those who cannot provide proof of vaccination must upload their negative test result to CLEAR. Instructions for setting up the CLEAR Health Pass.

Mask Guidelines

Everyone at the testing site will be required to bring and wear either their own N95/KN95 mask or a 2-ply cloth mask along with a surgical mask. If you come to the test center with just a cloth mask, you will be provided with a surgical mask to wear under the cloth mask for double masking.


  • Your face mask must cover your nose and mouth and meet CDC guidelines the entire time you are at a testing site.
  • The only exceptions to wearing a mask are (1) if you are asked to remove your mask by a proctor for identification purposes, (2) if you are more than six feet away from any other person and engaged in the act of eating or drinking, or (3) if you are inside a fully enclosed vehicle.
  • Masks brought into the secured testing area shall not contain writing of any kind and will be subject to inspection by State Bar personnel.

For additional information about illness prevention, please refer to the CDC and the World Health Organization.