February 2022 Cal Bar Exam Update – IN PERSON TESTING
Hello y’all!
Registration is OPEN for February 2022. Timely filing occurs this month. Don’t pay late fees, people! Remember you can submit your Accommodations petitions at any time. If you haven’t submitted your Moral Character Application, note that it takes 5-6 months to get cleared and that’s if you’re boring. You want to be sworn in after you get the good news in May, right? Make sure your admission isn’t delayed due to not filing your Moral Character application as early as you can.
But what is FAR more important for the applicant pool, my friends, is the fact that the Cal Bar is going to be held IN PERSON. The February 2022 Cal Bar Exam Announcement was published today. In relevant part, it states:
February 2022 California Bar Exam
Date: Tuesday and Wednesday, February 22–23, 2022
Please note that the February 2022 California Bar Examination will be held as an in-person examination. Applicants will be required to select atesting locationand test in-person.
So we’re going to party like it’s 2019, people! Back to the Future, as it were.
The Announcement is located in full here:
The exam schedule is here:
No more remote video proctoring. Show up on Tuesday, take the exam for 3 hrs., then leave. Then come back, take the exam for 3-1/2 hrs, and then leave. Rinse and repeat on Wednesday. Your results will vary if you have accommodations.
And now you know! If you want a certain location, I’d suggest registering over the next 7 days.
By the way, some notable dates for you:
10/1 – 11/1 Registration period for Feb. 2022
11/1 Timely filing deadline
11/1 – 11/30 $50 late fee registration period.
12/1 – 1/3/22 $250 late filing fee
2/22 – 2/23/2022 February 2022 Cal Bar Exam
2/24, noon Laptop answer file upload deadline
2/25 OR 2/26, noon Extended time students’ exam answer file upload deadline (deadline dependent on student’s accommodations).
May 6, 2022, 6 pm.