Cal Bar Experiment? It’s a GO
Hello everyone.
The Cal Supreme Court formally approved the Cal Bar Experiment and the attendant possible score enhancement for those selected to participate.
Students have to perform “well enough” on the 49 questions on November 8 or 9. What does that mean? Up to the psychometrician. All the Cal Bar said at a Q and A was that a “passing score” wasn’t required. So that means less than 60%. What’s realistic, especially since many participating students are waiting for Cal Bar results that day or taking the MPRE? I’m guessing (no inside information here) 45-55% should make the cut. Don’t rely on what I said to your detriment. I don’t know. Just an educated guess. They want to make sure you try hard. But a passing score isn’t needed. So, this number makes sense.
Also, students have started hearing back about being selected to participate in the Cal Bar Experiment today.