Published On:   January 10, 2021

I took the California Bar exam for the first time in July … sorry, no, September … wait, my bad, October 2020, in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. While I probably would have been just fine studying independently with Bar/Bri materials alone, I knew that I wanted more accountability and personalized attention throughout this process, particularly given the ever-shifting landscape comprising this (very first online) administration of the bar exam.

Steven prepared multiple personalized calendars for me along the way as the State Bar continually revised the exam date. He was on top of every nuanced communication that was being released in order to keep me apprised of the latest developments during our weekly one-to-one calls, which allowed me to focus on my main priority: studying for the exam.

The tutoring materials comprising this program are excellent. Steven’s essay review week, comprising a forensic analysis of bar exams past, was eye opening in terms of understanding what examiners look for in a passing essay. The memorization plan is worth its weight in gold. You will simultaneously love him and hate him as you work through this process because it is exhaustingly rigorous and it WORKS. I experienced the equivalent of an open book exam because of this technique.

My investment in this tutoring program was totally worthwhile, and I wholeheartedly recommend Steven Harris as a California Bar Exam tutor. — JFK Law Grad, Esq., passed the October 2020 Cal Bar Examination

Want Next-Level Tutoring Now?

If you are ready for a whole new approach to California Bar Exam Tutoring, customized to your life, Steven is waiting to speak with you. First-time? Repeater? Difficulty Learning? Scheduling Conflicts? No problem. Let’s pass this test!