Published On:   July 4, 2020

Time is Money. Your time is about to become increasingly valuable to those around you. Get ahead of the curve. Steven helped me pivot my mindset and position myself for success in my approach to the Bar “in a lawyer-like manner” from start to finish. Steven provided me with the tools and confidence to focus MY efforts to efficiently and effectively attack and anticipate the challenge before me. The day of the exam I felt ready to meet anything the examiners might throw at me head on, with confidence and resolve. The mystery was gone. It feels good to win. Don’t waste any more of your time. The time I spent preparing with Steven will continue to pay dividends long into the future. — Brett Baker, Esq., passed the July 2019 California Bar Examination

Want Next-Level Tutoring Now?

If you are ready for a whole new approach to California Bar Exam Tutoring, customized to your life, Steven is waiting to speak with you. First-time? Repeater? Difficulty Learning? Scheduling Conflicts? No problem. Let’s pass this test!