I finally passed the California Bar! After 5 years of graduating from law school and 4 years since I last took the exam, I passed! I am 100% sure that Professor Harris’ tutoring program was essential to my passing the Bar. After being out of the loop for so long, he made my transition back into study mode as smooth as possible. I did not know where or how to start and he told me what to do and how to do it. His calendars, materials, practice essays and PT’s, and most importantly, his feedback were incredibly helpful! He was straightforward and was able to simplify the studying process in a way I could have never done on my own. He made the exam approachable and definitely, less intimidating for me. — Adriana Calderon, Esq., passed the February 2018 California Bar Examination
TUTOR NOTE: the February 2018 Cal Bar Exam had a 27.3% pass rate. According to the Cal Bar’s General Bar Examination Pass Rate Summary, the 27.3% pass rate was the lowest in the 67 years covered on the chart). The other pass rates lower than 30% on any exam (February or July, or the Spring or Fall exam as it was known before February 1988) from 1951 – 2018 were:
Spring 1983 27.7%
Spring 1984 29.5%
Spring 1986 28.1%.
In other words, job well done to all applicants passing the February 2018 Cal Bar Exam!